乡村振兴战略是今后较长时期指导我国农业农村工作发展的政策。 农业农村标准化工作就是其内涵。 因此,加快建立健全现代农业全产业链标准体系,成为实施乡村振兴战略的重要举措。 重要措施。 2021年,中央一号文件明确提出,依托农村特色和优势资源,打造农业全产业链,把产业链主体留在县域,让农民更多地分享价值——行业的附加效益。 加快完善现代农业全产业链标准体系,推动新型农业经营主体按照国家标准生产,培育农业龙头企业标准“带头人”。 在我国农业供给侧结构性改革不断深化、农业产业融合不断深化、农产品消费升级不断升级的背景下,加快完善现代农业全产业链标准体系是重要举措补齐农业标准供给短板,破解农业高质量发展技术。 适应现代农业产业发展新需求,构建农业标准体系新格局的重要战略方向。深入研究现代农业全产业链标准体系建设及对策对推动我国农业标准化管理工作具有重要意义。
我国农业全产业链的形成,是改革开放以来农业产业化不断深化的结果。 2009年,中粮集团首次提出农业全产业链概念; 2017年,农业农村部办公厅、国家农业综合开发办公室联合印发《关于推进农业全产业链发展创新示范的通知》,其中涵盖了农业全产业链。 产业链建设作为重要示范工程推进; 2020年,受全球新冠肺炎疫情影响,世界经济严重衰退,导致产业链、供应链流通受阻。 为此,政府工作报告明确提出,确保产业链供应链自主可控、安全稳定,这为农业全产业链发展指明了方向; 2020年中央一号文件提出,支持各地立足资源优势,打造特色农业产业链,形成优势产业。 簇。
现代农业的发展离不开全产业链模式的打造[1]。 构建农业全产业链模式,不仅可以有效促进农业产业化升级,还可以增强农业对其他产业和农民增收的辐射效应[2]。 特别是以农业龙头企业为核心的农业产业化经营模式将发挥至关重要的作用,对进一步形成企业新的价值链和盈利模式、拓展农民创业就业空间、提升粮食质量具有重要意义。和安全性[3]。 通过比较发现,市场化的农业产业链管理模式在激励农民参与标准化方面优于政府开展的公益性技术示范推广模式[4]。 因此,为了更好发挥现代农业全产业链的综合效益,除了处理好工业与食品、工业与生物的关系[5]外,还必须注重工业实践的探索,充分发挥发挥核心实验站、区域示范站、技术推广站“三站链”的整体效应[6]。 结合我国当前农业供给侧结构性改革的目标和方向,现代农业产业链标准体系建设应从完善农业产业链安全标准体系、完善农业产业链质量保障标准体系、构建农业产业链交易协同标准。 着力落实该制度,构建农业全产业链基础支撑标准体系[7]。
现有研究大多从微观层面分析现代农业全产业链的价值、模式、机制等,但仍缺乏从宏观战略层面对现代农业全产业链的整体分析。 本文拟从农业全产业链与农业标准体系的关系出发,分析现代农业全产业链标准体系的内涵、特征以及面临的机遇和挑战,重点阐述现代农业全产业链标准体系的主要方向、体系。框架和实施路径,最后提出对策建议。
构建“创新引领、要素协同、链条完整、竞争力强”的产业体系,需要分析农业产业全过程、全要素、各主体,开展农业标准化工作,建立农业标准化工作体系。贯穿产业链的一体化体系。 能够有效利用、能够实时响应和更新农业发展的全行业标准体系。
传统产业转型升级对农业标准化的需求主要体现在质量提升上,即对先进技术标准、质量控制标准、综合管理标准等高水平标准的需求。 需要相关标准发挥“保基本、筑底线”的作用。 通过高质量标准的制定和实施,可以形成质量硬约束,淘汰落后产能,促进农业产业转型升级,引导实现农产品“优质优价”的市场竞争环境。价格”,激发农业企业提质转型升级的内生动力。
中高端消费者对标准化的需求主要体现在高品质和个性化两个方面。 在高质量方面,要构建健全、协调、规范、统一的质量分级和标准化体系,用先进标准推动产业转型和质量升级,让农产品更好满足日益增长的消费需求、走向世界。迈向中高端; 在个性化方面,要充分发挥市场机制和企业主体作用,构建特色农产品标准体系,结合各地农产品优势特点,研判特色农产品发展趋势。细分市场,开展标准化工作。
围绕农业机械化、智能化、自动化等生产方式,积极应用基因工程、生物技术等现代农业生产科技成果,推动工厂化农业、循环农业、设施农业等技术在农村的规模化应用。农业领域,构建新的标准体系。 鼓励专业大户、家庭农场、农民合作社、农业企业等新型农业经营主体运用标准化手段提高农业生产效率、提高农产品质量、增加农产品附加值。
我国农业产业链研发环节严重缺失。 迫切需要通过标准化工作提前锁定和跟踪重大先进科研项目,加强科研工作协调,明确农业新兴技术标准化需求,形成良好的标准化工作布局和计划。 同时,通过科研与创新进程同步、建立专门渠道和专门机制等,加强对农业科技创新的支持。此外,标准化促进农业科技新成果产业化,加强农业科技创新成果转化。科技与农业产业对接,以价值创造带动农业科技创新不断发展。
一是我国乡村振兴战略的实施给现代农业全产业链标准体系发展带来内生动力。 农业产业繁荣是乡村振兴的前提和基础,是帮助农民脱贫增收的关键。 实现产业繁荣,离不开现代农业产业链标准体系的支撑和引导。 十九大报告提出乡村振兴战略,为农业农村现代化指明了方向; 《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标的建议》为新的发展阶段提供了指导优先发展农业农村、全面推进乡村振兴的部署; 《国家乡村振兴战略规划(2018-2022年)》对实施乡村振兴战略第一个五年作出了具体部署。 这一系列顶层设计释放了政策空间,为现代农业全产业链标准体系的发展奠定了制度基础。
二是我国积极推动农业标准国际化,标准互联取得有效成效。 我国现代农业全产业链标准体系在国际化方面具有广阔的发展前景,对于我国打造国际话语权具有重要意义。 2015年至2020年,我国先后发布了《一带一路标准互联互通行动计划(2015-2017年)》和《一带一路标准互联互通行动计划(2018-2020年)》两项计划。 、老挝、哈萨克斯坦等“一带一路”沿线国家显着增强了我国在农业标准化领域的影响力[8]。 与此同时,我国实质性参与国际标准化活动的能力不断提高。 充分借鉴发达国家和国际组织农业标准化发展经验,运用更加先进的科技成果发展我国现代农业全产业链标准化,充分发挥后发优势推动我国现代农业发展。 全产业链标准体系不断完善。 特别是在COVID-19疫情期间,我国不断强化自主农业产业链打造能力,积极建立完整的标准体系,支撑农业产业链转型升级。
一是优质农业标准供给与农业全产业链建设实际需求之间存在结构性失衡。 我国小农户分散经营的现状,以及农业标准体系建设面临的农业标准制定/修订机制不完善、农业标准供给质量有待提高、农业标准间协同作用弱等问题。农业水平和产业化,制约了现代农业的整体发展。 产业链标准体系发展。 目前,中国政府主导制定了3万多项国家标准、行业标准、地方标准,基本形成了覆盖农业、畜牧业等各行业产前、生产中、产后各个环节的标准体系。林业、畜牧业、渔业。 在保障国家粮食安全和农产品质量安全方面发挥了重要作用,但仍难以满足农业产业发展需要。
二是国际形势复杂多变,给我国现代农业全产业链标准体系建设带来严峻挑战。 当前,中美贸易摩擦不断升级。 世界正面临新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的威胁。 全球经济正处于严重衰退之中。 全球供应链、产业链、价值链严重受损,面临重建。 在当前复杂的国际形势下,各行业转型升级进程放缓,标准体系的支撑作用比以往任何时候都更加重要。 与我国在高铁、家电、移动通信等其他工业领域的综合国际标准化能力相比,农业领域国际标准化的影响力还远远不够。 我国在农业标准国际理念建设、与国际标准接轨、参与国际农业标准化活动、引领农业关键技术标准国际化等方面与一些先进发达国家相比还存在较大差距。 我国提出和参与的500多项国际标准中,主要集中在冶金、有色金属、船舶、船舶、轻工、纺织、机械设备、节能环保等领域,涉及农业领域的国际标准还很少[9]。
现代农业全产业链标准体系是农业全产业链的延伸和拓展。 它是在农业供给侧改革背景下,适应现代农业发展需要、顺应标准体系改革趋势而提出的全新概念。 以市场需求为导向,在关注农产品生产过程的同时,更加注重农业生产全过程的标准化。
与传统农业标准体系不同,现代农业全产业链标准体系将农业全产业链划分为安全、质量、服务、支持四个维度,涵盖农业生产、加工、流通过程的所有要素以及农产品从农田到餐桌的全过程。 整个过程中,标准体系层次更加清晰,标准体系更加完善。 在主体建设方面,不再局限于政府主导下的单一治理模式,而是形成了政府引导标准制定、市场自主制定标准协调发展的局面。 政府主导的标准侧重于确保安全和基础以及市场独立性。 制定的标准着眼于提高产品和服务质量,有效支撑统一市场体系建设,促进农业农村经济发展。
现代农业全产业链标准体系重点采取市场驱动和政府引导并重的发展模式。 市场驱动方面,通过深化标准供给侧结构性改革,强化市场主体标准化主体地位,鼓励更多优质农业企业和社会团体参与国家标准制定,增加有效供给。国家标准; 加快培育壮大团体标准,扩大团体标准在整个国家标准化体系中的比重,不断提高团体标准质量,尽快形成一批具有国际影响力的团体标准。 鼓励企业细化和整合自主知识产权、技术积累、市场经验、管理流程,通过研发和采用高水平标准形成企业的核心竞争力。
在政府引导方面,充分发挥政府作用。 市场化是一把双刃剑。 如果不进行必要的调整和约束,就会导致标准缺失、标准低效。 以下方面不能缺少政府的引导作用:《中华人民共和国标准化法》规定的强制性国家标准的技术要求,特别是农产品安全的约束性要求; 急需“补短板”的农业领域,如农业科技成果转化、农产品品牌化、农产品质量分级等; 基本通用技术要求和农业基础设施建设,如术语、图形符号、农田水利、农业气象等。
标准制定要与技术创新同步、超前于农业产业发展。 具体来说,推动市场驱动的技术创新、标准制定和产业同步推进机制,实现标准同步甚至超前于技术创新和产业变革; 及时将先进适用的科技创新成果纳入农业技术标准,提高农业标准的技术水平。 ; 将农业标准嵌入科技研发过程,缩短新技术、新工艺、新材料标准制定周期,加快科技成果应用; 允许技术龙头企业在农业标准制定中拥有更大发言权,实现标准制定适当超前于农业行业技术发展平均水平,体现标准对农业技术进步和产业升级的推荐价值,引领农业行业发展。农业产业的发展; 面向世界技术前沿,推广农业转基因技术、新一代信息技术、智慧服务等在农业产业中的应用技术研发、标准制定和产业推广,推动新技术在农业产业中的应用。
质量和效率是构建优质农业产业链标准体系的首要考核指标。 质量变革、效率变革、动力变革、发展方式转变、经济结构转型等都需要通过高标准来评价。 因此,现代农业全产业链标准体系建设必须加快标准建设从数量型向质量型转变,注重综合标准的作用和标准的实际效果; 更加突出产业融合特征,通过推动不同性质、不同层次标准的融合,相互协调支撑,提高标准体系的系统性,形成先进、科学的技术指标,构建严密的技术体系体系。
现代农业全产业链标准体系服务我国农业高质量发展,农业高质量发展必须以农产品安全为基础。 从根本上解决农产品安全问题,必须遵循自然生态规律。 现代农业全产业链标准体系是以生态友好为前提构建的现代农业标准体系。 它是充分考虑质量提升与绿色发展、市场效率与绿色发展的关系而形成的新标准体系。
农业标准国际化是未来我国农业标准化工作的外在表现。 优先采用国际标准。 一旦有制定标准的需要,首先考虑制定国际标准。 当国际标准不能满足国内需要时,可以考虑制定国家标准、行业标准、地方标准、团体标准或企业标准。 我国农业标准化技术组织必须与国际接轨,把国际标准化工作放在重要位置,形成国际国内标准化一体化工作模式,争取各项工作国内国际同步,建立同步提案、国际、国内农业标准项目的建立和发展。 工作机制,推动现有农业标准外文版本的制定和发布,推动制定更多我国主导的农业国际标准。 同时,大力推动我国农业标准化专家从国内转向国际,推荐更多懂外语、技术能力较强的复合型专家成为国际工作组专家,争取参与和主导制定更多农业标准,推动农业标准国际化。 此外,推动我国农业标准“走出去”,共同制定面向东盟及“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的国际标准,开展标准对比分析,建设海外农业标准化示范区等。 ……,为“一带一路”建设贡献力量。 智慧。
现代农业产业链标准体系可分为三个层次(见图1)。 第一级包括现代农业全产业链安全标准子系统、现代农业全产业链质量标准子系统、现代农业全产业链服务标准子系统、现代农业全产业链支撑标准子系统; 第二层次包括现代农业产业链标准四个子系统所覆盖的标准的主要服务方向和领域; 第三级包括种植业、林业草原、畜牧业、渔业等应用行业标准。 其中,现代农业产业链安全与支撑标准子系统主要涉及安全和基础,以政府制定为主,市场主导制定为辅。 标准属性包括强制性国家标准、推荐性国家标准、行业标准和地方标准。 和团体标准。 现代农业产业链质量与服务标准子系统主要涉及产品质量和服务质量,以市场主导制定为主、政府主导制定为辅。 标准属性包括强制性国家标准、推荐性国家标准、行业标准和地方标准。 和团体标准。
图1 现代农业产业标准体系框架
到2025年,农业全产业链标准体系更加完善,标准实施更加有效,基础能力有效提升,国际化水平显着提升。 逐步形成坚实基础的现代农业全产业链安全、质量、支撑标准体系,着力提升能力水平; 建立健全农业标准示范推广体系,结合各地特点和优势,加强农业标准化示范工程建设,强化标准集成应用。 提高示范工程建设质量; 大力发展现代农业产业链服务领域标准化工作。 组织农业标准化技术服务机构开展标准指标核查等标准化服务。
到2035年,农业全产业链标准化体系基本完备,标准覆盖率显着提高,标准供给质量基本满足农业发展需要,支撑引领作用更加凸显。 健全农业标准实施监督、信息反馈和实施效果评价机制,进一步加强农业标准示范推广体系建设,建立农业标准实施申报制度; 建立农业标准化教育培训体系,建立农业标准化人才队伍和技术组织,推动标准与科研协同发展; improve the agricultural standardization service system, improve agricultural ecological service capabilities, strengthen agricultural standardization services for countries along the “Belt and Road”, and encourage substantial participation in international standardization activities.
(2) Construction focus
1. Carry out the formulation/revision of important standards for the entire industry
Implement the construction of the standards system, formulate/revise important and urgently needed standards, and ensure the supply of standards. With the goal of promoting the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, and focusing on the quality and safety assurance of agricultural inputs, prevention and control of animal and plant diseases, quality classification of agricultural products, management evaluation of agricultural product circulation and agricultural input supply, high-standard farmland construction, agricultural machinery, etc., we will carry out Development of safety, quality, service and support standards for the entire agricultural industry chain. Strengthen the development of local standards for high-quality, distinctive and green agricultural products, carry out the formulation/revision of agricultural product brand cultivation, evaluation and protection standards, increase the effective supply of standards, and lay the foundation for brand cultivation. Actively use new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence and new models such as agricultural product e-commerce to promote standardized construction of circular agriculture, smart agriculture, leisure agriculture, etc.
2. Strengthen the construction of industry-wide standardization talents
Strengthen standardized general education, standard international talent cultivation, and standardized compound talent construction. Establish a professional talent team system, support colleges and universities and scientific research institutes to establish agricultural and rural standardization scientific research institutions and disciplines, carry out academic and degree education, and cultivate agricultural and rural standardization professionals and international talents; encourage agricultural scientific research institutions and colleges and universities Establish agricultural and rural standardization courses and popularize agricultural and rural standardization knowledge, such as setting up standardization majors or courses in colleges and universities and incorporating them into the national education system; strengthen the construction of application-oriented standardization talent teams in enterprises and institutions, and include standardization in the training content of professional and technical personnel for trial implementation Include standard formulation, revision, and standard scientific research results in the professional and technical personnel title evaluation system.
Establish a practical talent training system, create a professional platform for personnel training, implement new professional farmer standard skills improvement actions, and enhance the business literacy and professional skills of the agricultural and rural standardization personnel. Accelerate the cultivation and development of agricultural and rural standard intermediary service organizations and agricultural and rural standardization promotion teams with professional technology and standardization knowledge; cultivate agricultural and rural standardization management and technical talents, promote advanced concepts and methods of agricultural and rural standardization, and improve the quality of agricultural production and operation entities. Independent innovation capabilities and competitiveness; provide policy support to scientific research and teaching personnel who go deep into agricultural and rural front-line personnel to carry out standardized services; systematically organize standardization training activities to improve business capabilities and management levels, and cultivate a group of experts and backbones for agricultural and rural standardization work. In agricultural production and operation activities, we can learn standards, set standards, talk about standards, and use standards.
3. Innovate industry-wide standardized service models
Cultivate and develop the standardization service industry, and vigorously support standardization technology institutions, scientific research institutions, technology promotion agencies, and standardization service organizations to actively carry out agricultural and rural standardization services. Organize agricultural and rural standardization technical institutions, industry associations, scientific research institutions, industry alliances, etc., establish a regional service and promotion platform for agricultural and rural standardization, and actively carry out standard formulation/revision, standard indicator verification, agricultural standard demonstration and promotion, standard publicity and implementation training, and scientific and technological achievements Transformation and promotion, agricultural product brand evaluation, product quality traceability and other services. Give full play to the innovation-driven role of “Internet + Standards”, strengthen the collection and data mining of domestic and foreign agricultural standards, and build a national agricultural standards big data integrated application service platform.
4. Promote the internationalization of industry-wide standards
Deeply participate in the formulation/revision of agricultural and rural international trade rules and international standards, and actively strive for job opportunities in the technical agencies of the International Organization for Standardization. Carry out comparative analysis and analysis of Chinese and foreign standards around the entire agricultural industry chain, rural governance, agricultural and rural ecological civilization and green development, improve the consistency of agricultural and rural standards with international standards, promote the simultaneous formulation of Chinese and foreign language versions of important agricultural and rural standards, and use standards soft connectivity to accelerate the interoperability of international trade of agricultural products; explore the establishment of a cooperation mechanism for Chinese and foreign agricultural and rural standardization, promote mutual recognition of agricultural and rural standards, and accelerate the mutual compatibility of Chinese and foreign agricultural and rural standard systems; implement the “Belt and Road” action plan for standards connectivity and actively carry out agricultural and rural The establishment of standardization overseas demonstration zones will promote the promotion and application of China’s agricultural and rural standards in countries along the “Belt and Road” such as ASEAN and Central Asia.
5. Support the construction of industry-wide group standards
Encourage and support industry societies, associations, chambers of commerce, federations and other social organizations and industrial technology alliances with corresponding capabilities in the region to coordinate large-scale production entities in the region, improve the quality of agricultural products, and enhance agricultural service levels to promote the “going out” of advantageous and characteristic agricultural products. In order to make breakthroughs, stimulate the vitality of market entities, fully draw on international standards and domestic advanced standards, encourage the formulation of group standards with internationally advanced levels, and increase the efficient supply of agricultural and rural group standards in the region.
6. Countermeasures and suggestions
(1) Establish a working mechanism for overall planning and coordination
Strengthen cross-ministerial and cross-department collaboration and overall promote organizational guarantees for the implementation of the standardization strategy. It is recommended that governments at all levels include agricultural and rural standardization strategies into important agendas and regional economic and social development plans, further improve the work system of unified management and division of labor, give full play to the role of the standardization coordination mechanism, strengthen agricultural and rural standardization work, and coordinate and solve major problems; The departments in charge of agricultural and rural standardization shall perform coordination and supervision responsibilities and formulate annual plans for standardization work; all relevant departments in agriculture and rural areas must be highly aware of the importance of standardization work, improve working mechanisms, and promote coordinated progress.
(2) Strengthen the application demonstration of agricultural standardization
Give full play to the main role of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization and the active role of farmers’ professional cooperatives, industry associations, etc., mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers and new agricultural business entities, and deeply promote the “enterprise + base + farmer” model with standards as the link and basis. The agricultural and rural standardization demonstration and promotion model realizes the diversification of subjects and forms of agricultural and rural standardization demonstration and promotion. Increase the government’s promotion and guidance, establish and improve the agricultural standard demonstration and promotion system, focusing on key contents such as agricultural product production and processing, agricultural mechanization, agricultural informatization, agricultural product circulation, agricultural product brand building, ecological agriculture, primary, secondary and tertiary industry integration, combined with industrial characteristics and local advantages, strengthen agricultural and rural standardization demonstrations, good agricultural practice pilots, horticultural crop standard parks, livestock and poultry breeding standardization demonstration fields, aquatic healthy breeding demonstration fields, forestry standardization demonstrations, agricultural product export food quality and safety demonstration areas, and geographical indication product protection demonstrations Districts, agricultural product brand demonstration areas, agricultural product circulation system standardization pilot and other standardization demonstration project construction, strengthen the integrated application of standards, improve the quality of demonstration project construction, and give full play to the radiation, driving and leading role of demonstration projects.
(3) Carry out evaluation of agricultural standardization effects
Based on the characteristics of the evaluation objects, construct a scientific and reasonable evaluation index system for the implementation effect of agricultural standardization, and adopt an evaluation method that combines qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation to strengthen the review, supervision, and inspection of the implementation of agricultural standards, and carry out agricultural standardization strategies in a timely manner Evaluation and supervision of the implementation of plans. Track and analyze implementation progress, identify key control points that affect the implementation of agricultural standards and major issues that need to be solved urgently; and conduct mid- and long-term assessments, adjustments and optimizations based on changes in external factors and internal conditions to improve the scientificity and effectiveness of agricultural standardization strategic planning sex.
(4) Improve the agricultural standardization supervision system
Improve the mandatory standard supervision mechanism with administrative management and administrative law enforcement as the main form to ensure the strict implementation of mandatory agricultural standards. It is recommended to establish a recommended standard supervision mechanism such as standard compliance testing, supervision and spot checks, certification evaluation, etc., and strengthen the implementation responsibilities of recommended agricultural and rural standard formulation entities; establish a group standard supervision mechanism with group self-discipline and necessary government regulations as the main form, and give full play to The market plays a role in the survival of the fittest in group standards; establish a supervision mechanism for self-declaration and disclosure of corporate product and service standards, strengthen interim and post-event supervision, and cultivate corporate standard leaders through market-oriented mechanisms; establish an information feedback and implementation effect evaluation mechanism for the implementation of agricultural and rural standards , released a white paper on the implementation and application report of agricultural and rural standards to strengthen the full life cycle management of agricultural and rural standards; establish a social supervision mechanism with social groups, testing institutions, news media, enterprises and consumers as the main force to jointly supervise the implementation of agricultural and rural standards.
Agricultural planning, come to us
Industrial Planning Network
China Forestry and Environment Promotion Association Forestry Ecotourism Working Committee
Zhongzi Guoye Planning and Design Center (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Expert Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine Agricultural Standards of the Origin and Environment Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
China Good Ecology Alliance
Professional planning agency Professional design company
Agricultural Park Planning Tourism Park Planning
Ecological Park Planning Industrial Park Planning
Planning case analysis Planning concept analysis
Address: National Crop Germplasm Preservation Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Building 5, No. 12, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing